
Join Our Fast-Growing Startups!
Black Horse is dedicated to accelerating the expansion of dynamic startups with high potential. As these startups constantly expand, they are searching for talented individuals to join their team from the beginning. If you think you have what it takes to be part of a growing startup, take a look at the available vacancies below and apply now!

Legal Counsel

As a Legal Counsel, you will be responsible for providing legal advice and support to Black Horse and our portfolio companies. You will review contracts, negotiate deals, and ensure that all legal requirements are met.

Entrepreneur in Residence (EIR)

As an Entrepreneur-in-Residence, you will work closely with our portfolio companies to provide mentorship and strategic guidance. You will also help identify new investment opportunities and develop relationships with other entrepreneurs and investors.

Investment Analyst

As an Investment Analyst, you will be responsible for conducting due diligence on potential investment opportunities, analyzing financial statements, and creating investment reports. You will also work closely with entrepreneurs to evaluate their business plans and provide feedback.